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Haephastus was a bit surprised to see that most of the animals took calmly to him being there, barely paying any mind to him at all, that was, until he made his way over to the feed bags. He could feel the turkeys brush up beside him, which surprised him at first, but at the sight of them he smiled. Rummaging around a bit, he finally withdrew a handful of their food, scattering it along the ground for them. As he had expected, they quickly scattered for it, forgetting immediately about the strange wolf who had offered it to them. He watched them for a moment before venturing a bit further into the pen to investigate the contents of the other bags.

As he began away a voice caught his ears, which turned to hear the words, and Haephastus turned as well. He spotted the other man, standing and watching, through milky blue eyes. It took him a moment to remember that he had been asked a question, to which he cleared his throat and began his answer. "I've been around cattle more.." He explained. "But I know of horses as well and I suppose they're friendlier sometimes." Haephastus, in all honesty, hadn't even taken notice that they had horses, no one had spoken of it. He wondered, for a brief moment, if they were kept in Phoenix Valley for eating or for riding.

"Haephastus Amir." He offered his name, stepping away from the bags and closer to the younger man. "New here." The foreign man explained, hoping to get rid of whatever suspicion the other man might have. "The horses, are they kept for riding?" He asked finally, thinking it, personally, odd that one might eat them. A very few of the men in Jerusalem had them, mostly traders, for pulling their carts of goods through the street. Haephastus had always been fond of them, just never really had a chance to interact with them. Maybe that would change now.


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