Sugar and spice and puppy-dog tails

The frustration he had possessed because of the clueless raven having flown away was quickly passing. It was just a insignificant bird, and he would no doubt be able to find one just like it later on; there certainly were enough of the damn things. Instead of dwell, he turned his indigo gaze to the two girls, still smiling softly. Legacy introduced him to Empusa, and he looked at the girl in question. He tilted his head at her hesitation, acting almost as though she was nervous. Why would she be? They had met before, and he hadn't done anything mean to her... had he? Then, she mentioned that she would leave; he shook is head in calm protest.

No. You didn't do anything to make me angry. He probably sounded more commanding than he had intended, but he wanted to get his point across. I was frustrated because of a bird, that's all. Not at you, Empusa.


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