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I can't believe I completely forgot about writing anything in about the handshake. XD

"Back in Jerusalem the traders would use horses to pull wagons full of goods." He added to the subject, though couldn't really see them being used for that type of work around this area often. "I've seen them with giant metal things attached to them that dig up large areas of ground for gardening too." That, on the other hand, might have been something of use. He hadn't seen nor heard much about whether the denizens of Phoenix Valley cooked their food or not, but it might be worth a try if they hadn't. He had picked up a few cooking skills in his time and perhaps, if she was interested, he could test them out on Geneva. "I will remember that, thank you." He spoke in reference to Ty's offer to help out. He wasn't too proud to accept help.

"She was." He said quietly. It still hurt to refer to her in the past tense. "And I think it did, a little bit." He offered the words with a quiet chuckle, perhaps to lighten the mood just a bit. Almost every aspect of his personality, most everything that he had learned in life, had been because of his mother. "Hopefully I'll get to put some of it to use around here." It had been a while since he had last tinkered in art of any form, though with the city not all that far away, he was certain he could find whatever he might need to start tinkering around with it once more.

Keeping milked over blue eyes on the younger male, Haephastus continued to listen to his words, nodding his head only faintly. "Someone took you away from here?" He wasn't sure what the younger male meant by being swept away and he had referred to it as an adventure, which was often a good thing, especially with the tone of voice as he mentioned it, so he could only assume that it had been a family member or someone else of close nature. "Where did you go?" He inquired softy, wondering just what sort of adventures the young man could have gone on. He didn't look very old at all, though he couldn't be certain, but he knew that travel, especially by sea, could take quite some time.


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