I'm a deadly case

She didn't sit there for long. The approach of the male in his luperci form was quick and openly genuine. So they did have dogs in there pack. This would be the moment for her to put on her facade and let them see only the person that she wanted them to see. A girlish smile jumped to her beautiful mixed features. Already at ten months she was taller then her father and growing to be her mother size. Even as big as she was growing this male was considerably huge. It helped that he was walking around on two legs and not four. Zee's sweet girl smile never faded as he approached her and stopped, looming right over her.

Tail down and relaxed curving at the base very much like the dog she was, Zee sat down and looked up at him with golden eyes. "Dahlia De mai? Wonderful name for a pack." Zee said a pleseant smile on her face with bright kind eyes. Her voice had always been very feminine so it only helped her in the long run with her pleasent and kind mask. "Well slay I'm here to find a home of course. I understand if you don't wish to take me that is." Zee kept the smile and let her eyes drift away from him. She would play this close to the chest.
"My name is Zee by the way." The brightness returned to her face with the optomistic girlish grin. A rouse a sham, but one you had to play.


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