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man...I got a huge writer's block today...

"Take him while you have the chance." Ty said with utmost seriousness as he walked to the rock, sitting next to her. "From certain vibes I get from him...he's definitely on the market, he'll find someone else if you don't make it more obvious, so get him now, while he hasn't found anyone else yet." He patted her back lightly.

He didn't have really much else to say besides that, and what he got was simple certain gut feelings, nothing more. Still, Asariel's movements and expressions around Ly were more clear to him then his own reflection in water. He did want to help her any way he could, he was, after all, her friend. He smiled and waited, wanting to know her input on this, if she didn't want to do it, he could certainly try to put a good word in with Lysander, despite how little he knew the wolf.

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