Package from a past life
"Hmhmhm...pleased to hear that." He said as he resumed his short walk to his trunk. The fact he accepted it made his heart almost jump with excitement, but he could hide it well. His muscles tensed and relaxed, preparing themselves for activity. He began to stretch lightly as he continued to walk, making sure he was flexible enough. He figured he was going to enjoy this, he could see though that Pendzez was worried, but Ty showed no fear at all. He was confident enough about the situation so he'd come out fine, and believed he had enough self-control to not hurt Pendzez. When he reached his trunk, he flipped open the latch and shoved the top off. the trunk was filled to the brim with axes, polearms, swords, and many other weapons, even two firearms, which were rarities in themselves.

But the question was, which one to use in practice against a katana? It was a large, but fast cutting weapon, and very few weapons came close to the quality of something like the masamune. Anything such as a claymore or any sort of axe would be a bad idea, they were too big and bulky, the katana would slice right by, polearms would have an advantage here, but Ty didn't feel like he was in the mood, so he picked a weapon he hadn't used in a long, long time. Reaching into the trunk, he pulled out a large scimitar, a hand-and-a-half curved sword which was just as fast (if not faster) then the katana, with quite a bit of cutting power behind it. Walking back, he drew the weapon quickly, attaching the sheath to a belt, which he place on his hips. Walking back, he twirled the scimitar lightly before taking position, holding the blade with one hand in front of him, leaving his other hand free. "Whenever you are ready." He said with a smirk.

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