
She had all the time in the world...but nothing to do. Empusa sighed as she kicked her feet forward, then pulled them back again. Now that she'd learned how to shift she could do certain things that she never would have been able to do as a normal coyote--she could climb trees, build fires, and, best of all, swing. But even that got tiring after a while of doing it. And she'd been doing it for at least four hours now.

The girl jumped out of the swing, rolling when she hit the ground. Well...this was exciting. She'd hoped that she might get hurt-break something, even. That would have given her something fun to do--take care of it. Instead, she was stuck being bored again. Now frustrated, the half-grown hybrid got up, stalking toward the borders.

Her red eyes searched out before her, looking for any others that might be up and about. It took her a while to see him, as she was walking in the same direction as he was, away from the lands...she must have been walking just a bit faster than him to catch up. Empusa tried to sneak as she went, running through the brush alongside him, intending to block his escape. She came out in front of him, fangs bared, threats already prepared behind her teeth. "Vot do you think you're doing here, volf? Tredding on the lands of my uncle"


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