Package from a past life
Ty only chuckled as his blade sliced off a tiny bit of fur from his opponent's fur. He prety much let the blade casually fall to his side as Pendzez knocked it away. He had a calm smile on his face as he continued to read Pendzez, trying to calculate his next moves. But that's when he noticed something, Pendzez was...taunting him? He only responded with another chuckle, that was the kind of bait thugs buy, but not Ty, Pendzez wanted Ty to lash out in a bit of anger at his little taunt, but that wouldn't happen. Despite all appearances, Ty was smarter then that.

Ty saw the uppercut slice coming, this time he did bring his sword in to defend himself, allowing the katana to smash up against the side of his scimitar. In retaliation, he pushed away the katana with one arm, then brought the scimitar around his head for a cut at Pendzez's open collarbone. Of course, he would stop if Pendzez did not defend, but he figured he would. Pendzez so far was keeping up with Ty, but how long would that last?


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