I can do anything (Mature)

....... Feeling the blood fall onto his hands Leroy glanced back at Ayita for a moment at her words, food in his mind was good either way. Smiling to himself the husky's head nodded slightly as he pulled out the inters of the deer, its blood and meat hitting the pan. "well maybe a little bit of both then." His warm voice was full of amusment and was kind. Red eyes looked over the doe as his claws pulled the rest of the lesser meats out of the way, dropping it into the pan leroy let the doe hang for a moment. The warm smell of the fresh blood made Leroy lick his lips.

.......Blinking they strong male turned to look at the pretty female beside him, her words had caught him off gaurd as his red eyes meet her blue ones. Turning his black and white body to face her more Leroy was relaxed again, ears forward and calm as her voice pulled from his throat. "no, no lovers here. I love the pack but I haven't found any for myself." Licking the warm blood off his fingers before sucking on a claw for a second as he turned back to the doe, it would need a moment or two still. "What about you Ayita, do you have any loved ones or lovers?" Turning back to her his curly tail moved slowly behind him, the low dripping of blood hitting the pan.




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