I can do anything (Mature)

Sorry she gets a bit off. She tends to bottle things up and can be random.

Ayita watched him walk around doing this and that it was quite entertaining. He was glad to be sitting though she was slightly tired from hunting and she was enjoying spending this time here and food was coming that was important. Leroy continued to talk about the beds and other questions she had asked. "I've never really thought about it either." She said smiling.

She looked at the raw meat smiling as she picked it up and ripped it apart. wait what cook it? She was truly lost but hey what could it hurt to watch and learn she needed to become accustom to things here. "I'm really not back home anymore." She said laughing standing up she jumped off the porch and walked over to the fire.

If the elders back home could see all this they'd die. She thought laughing as she munched on the meat. "I should go and get a co-rank that'd be good. I could do things and maybe get to see you more." For now she figured she'd stop flirting maybe though that'd make him leave oh she didn't care yet she did. There'd come a day someday she'd be someones something. and thats what she wanted. "Someday."


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