Package from a past life
Ty could see that Pendzez was catching on to his basic movements, but Ty was going to try and get more and more unpredictable. Pendzez was definitely quick to catch on, but he was still inexperienced with a sword, While Ty had been holding a blade near him since he was four months old. He was still treating this casually though, but he wasn't going to underestimate the white noble for being a newbie with a sword. As the blade passed the white wolf, Ty then jumped back, allowing them to gain some space between one another.

Ty saw that Pendzez had taken a very recognizable stance, but it was unpredictable. Pendzez either could make diagnol cuts from above, or stab forward. So Ty had to play it safe on his next move, but decisive. Bringing his scimitar in front of him, tip pointed down, his eyes met the red pools of the white noble. He suddenly dashed forward, but brought his blade upward, bashing Pendzez's blade off balance, pushing it up and over both their heads, purposefully pushing Pendzez off balance. Then while the white noble was off balance, he brought the blade over his head and aimed a slice for Pendzez's ribs, always remembering to stop if Pendzez wouldn't keep up.

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