never say "i told you so"

When he finally let his eyes drift open once more, Pilot felt as if he had for once in the past few days, achieved a bit of tranquility. It by no means was going to last long, but at least he had grabbed one moment to himself. After taking another breath of the chill air, he set off down the hill and towards the border line. He didn’t smell anything, but he felt an obligation to double check things a little closer now that Phoenix was fallen.

As the squirrel raised male came to a halt, a chilling feeling stretched across his back causing his fur to stand on end just slightly. He didn’t hear or smell anything, but he was sure that something was out there. Glancing through the stand of trees stretching beyond Storm, Pilot strained his cold eyes to find something, anything, which would be setting of his alerts. But he saw nothing, and was scared to admit defeat.

Keeping his eyes to the land outside of Storm, Pilot turned and began walking along the marked path. As he moved, his perspective changed, though it still did not reveal the culprit. When he finally looked forward to see what was in front of him, though, Pilot stopped and a small grin crossed his lips. There, Tamerlane stood idly and Pilot’s sense of trespassing diminished. Somehow he knew that the presence he had felt had only been that of his fellow pack mate hidden out of view.


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