My second chance.

394 words.

His recent meeting with the woman Colibri had left him shaken, though not visibly so. It was good to know that she would live and would be able to heal, both mentally and physically he hoped, but it still had him thiking of what might have happened if he had not found her so quickly. She most certainly would have had less of a chance of living. As far as he knew, however, Colibri did not hate him for saving her, and for that, he was very grateful. What he had done in the past was considered rescuing the victims from the one he was set to kill, but very frequently, he chose not to stay and see if those he saved would appreciate such a gesture. It was nice to know she did not hate him, and would continue living. He wished her the greatest deal of happiness in the imminent future.

Trotting in the direction of the familiar smell of one of the few females in the pack, Vigilante was relishing the use of his lupus form. It seemed that everyone here chose to use their shifted form, and while he did like to use that one, it was always nice to revert back to your roots and run around on all fours. The optime form was more than useful, and it tended to come in handy. In his lupus form, he would not have been able to do most of what he did, before coming to Cour des Miracles and afterwards. There was just so much that the shifted form of the body could do that the normal form could not perform or handle. Vigilante very much appreciated having the option to choose between either form.

"Hello, Miss Ayita. How is the pack life treating you?" he questioned, sauntering closer to her. It had been some time since their last meeting, but he did recall her being very open to the flirty side of life, so he would use that knowledge to his advantage. She was friendly enough, and he could consider her someone to talk to, flirt with, or just spend time with, provided she still found him interesting and as handsome as she claimed he was during their last encounter by the river, as brief as it had been.


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