My second chance.

Is she shifted or not? I didn't think so at first, since she scratched, but now I'm confused. XD 312 words.

"Flattery, my dear," he reprimanded, tut-tutting in pure jest. He sat close to her, looking in the same direction she was, considering the view. It was a rather nice start to the day, but he could not help but feel slightly dampened, his mood a little less elated than it had been from a distance. Sitting this close to her, Vigilante was able to smell the lingering remains of Leroy's scent, saturated into her fur deeply. Evidently, she had settled into the pack very nicely, and he could not help the flared bit of jealousy that he felt. There were no stronger feelings towards Ayita than to any of the other females he had met in the area, but he was rather fond of her, and to know something was going on between her and Leroy, whom he had met on only one occassion, was rather frustrating and a little saddening. All he wanted was someone.

Keeping his attention on the view at hand, Vigilante shrugged, a significantly less obvious action when in his lupus form. "I am well, I suppose. I have not found much to do yet. And how are you, lovely lady? Judging from the scent on your fur, I might have to say that it seems you have settled in quite well since the last time I saw you," he added, keeping any hint of jealousy out of the tone of his voice, instead using his normal tone, very precise. Generally speaking, he was happy that she had found herself someone interesting, but he was still jealous. Perhaps he was not jealous of her and Leroy, per se, but he was jealous that she had found someone, and evidently, so had the black and white male, while he had not found someone yet, when it was really the only thing he was looking for at the time being.


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