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Ty was rather surprised to feel the woman's arms fling around him and wrap him in a warm embrace. At first he did nothing because of the shock, it was rather sudden that they went from talking to hugging, but Ty slowly had a warm gratified smile on his face as he patted her back in a response to the embrace. "There are no thanks necessary." Ty said as he hugged her. "You still have to talk to him, if Lysander responds well to this, then you can thank me." He said as he rubbed her back as a friend before letting go.

Ty's mind began to wonder about the situation he was creating, Asariel would eventually ask Lysander about this, he hoped he hadn't sent Asariel to get her heart broken. At this point, he'd feel like it was his fault, but Ty couldn't deny that Ly and Asariel were interested in each other. There was a connection between the two of them, one that Ty never had with Asariel, despite their acknowledgment that both were physically attractive. No, this was something that went far beyond what Ty could comprehend at this point. But he was young, and he'd learn more in due time.

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