I can do anything (Mature)

"it beats sleeping on hard ground." Laying on the soft and cool blankets felt woudnerful to Leroy's skin, it was a contrast feeling to his hot body. Breathing his red eyes followed Ayita as shelaid over him, a small chuckle rattled his throat as he watched her straddle him. Listening to her words the husky nodded slightly, he understood that feeling, not having what you really what, always denied when you try so hard to just please them. "well it seems we are looking for the same thing." licking back at her Leroy snaked his hands over her body, rubbing her back and moving to her breasts as she got closer. "I would love nothing more Ayita, though I don't play fair." Using his legs Leroy flipped his body so he would also roll Ayita onto her back in the process, moaning his lips searched hers with a urge he can't describe. Pressing against her body his held her breast tightly but teasingly as he bucked against Ayita, right now Leroy felt like a animal as his jaws bit and kissed at her neck. "Ayita..o-oh " Using his free hand Leroy pushed at her egs to open, to give him space as well lift themselves up as a moan like groan escaped him. His mind could only smell her, taste her.





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