I can do anything (Mature)


The last thing Leroy can remember was Ayita cuddled up to him, her smell everywhere and the soft blankets of his bed.Sleeping Leroy didn't dream but it was comfortable blackness that made his whole body feel rested, the patterened male can't remember the last time he had slept so nice.
That morning.
Waking up was interesting for Leroy, Ayita was still asleep in the bed and for the first few mintues he felt confused. He loved Svara but lastnight he could swear everything was wounderful, different but wounderful in its own way. Brows pushed together at the thought that he was wrong for doing so, Svara wasn't his mate and she had left but the feelings he has for her confuse him. Blinking the black and white Duc spent this morning quitely down stairs, bringing the rest of the meat inside not before cutting off two big chunks on a plate. Heading back upstairs with the food and a large cup of water Leroy opened his bedroom door, even with his mind a mess he did enjoy how she made him feel. A piece of meat was sticking out of his mouth as he chewed on it, setting the plate down the husky moved on the bed to sit next to the beatuful woman. Chewing Leroy smiled, "morning, you better say somthing honey if you wana piece." HIs strong voice was somewhat funny from the deer meat in his mouth, watching he held onto the glass of water.





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