i'm done feeling like a skeleton.
The child calmy and causually crept underneath the nearest tree and continued to examine the butterlfies about her. She noticed that the tough she-wolf hadnt been talkin much either. " So Spirit wats it like in your tribe? I'm curious to know how all the things in your lives work. But please, dont worry about keeping anything from me, I dont like prying at all. So if theres anything you dont feel comfortable about sharing, i completely understand." She wanted to know all about her tribe, but she didnt want to annoy the female with questions.

She turned back to Char "Indeed, i'm acctually going to leave Pheonix Vally to do just that, but, please dont tell anyone yet, i dont wish to hurt them." She looked at all the butterflies around her. " I guess it wouldnt be too bad either if these guys came with me. It would remind me of my home here with my friends, and hopefully they will help lead me back home in time." She didnt ant anyone to think fowl of her, but she really did need to get out of here and go learn all the things and find her siblings.

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