I can do anything (Mature)

When she moved Leroy turned around to look at her, he might have been hurt by her queation but she had every right to say it. It wasn't just what she said that hurt but the fact he still loved Svara, and she had left him in his own lonelyness where he still nevr felt happy with himself. Him and Svara have their moments that he will always love, there are things about her that Ayita doesn't have and things Ayita has..that Svara doesn't.

Patterned male's ears fanned forward at her words, taking them all in along with the way she moved. BRows pushed together for a moment as he tilited his head, she shouldn't feel like she wasted his time. Why would she think that? "No Ayita stay, it ok really you had a right to ask." Slowly crawling onto the bed Leroy wasn't very worried about it, he wouls simple put it behind him as somthing small. "In all truth I'm no sure what i want but I know i want you, and well I think your very sweet and very pretty and very sexy." Smiling Leroy let his face relaxed as he pulled himself almost ontop of her. "Forget the past right?" His tai thumped the bed as he jumped at Ayita playfuly, wraping his arounds around her before kissing her everywhere.





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