let the rain of what I feel right now come down

but your just as sweet ^^

The rain fell. Drops that were small and light cast a halo of light around the pair. Both were soaked through by the continuous and weightless rain, their fur heavy with moisture and chilled by the wind that swept through the forest. The Sun was nowhere to be seen, and clouds cast a shadow over a sky that resembled dusk more then midday. But blue eyes saw little of the storm the passed above, their focus remained on the being before her. Her heart beat; fast, hard and it began to hurt within the cage that held it. In the silence she heard it pound, deep in her ears it spoke with a voice she could not distinguish. Was it fear that brought the uncontrolled rhythm or was it pure excitement, anticipation that she could not stifle.

What? Tell me, please. the thoughts ran through her mind and Anu began to understand more and more. The voice within was high pitched, a cry that she could not vocalize. Her eyes spoke of it, and the sting of tears boiled at their corners. Why did she want this so badly? Why would it hurt so bad to move away and to try to forget the young woman that sat before her? The questions were as numerous as the drops of water that fell from above. The answers as unlikely as the chance the sun would show it face this day. Anu felt the weight of such hopelessness, felt the unease and the insecurity. They both felt it, and they both could not control it as it swept through their bodies.

She could not look away. Eyes found the blue that resembled her own and Anu watched. She looked for reassurance, the same form that Coli searched from her. The past filled her memory, and each time the thoughts of yesterday passed over her mind’s eye Anu pushed it further and further away and replaced it with the sight of the soft brown female. It didn’t matter, those times had passed and Anu could start anew. She repeated the idea, again and again, in her head until that felt true. Soft words repeated the need Colibri felt, and still they ended without giving Anu the answer.

Face looked away as she shook her head. This was it? Anu thought. It was not harsh, but sorrowful. “Its okay,” Anu spoke, attempting to hold the sadness from her voice and failing. She understood, it was not the way life was supposed to be. Anu could not complete her. She had yet to find one that preferred living as she did. They all left Anu thought once more, the past vengefully regaining control of her thoughts. Amazing she might be, something that Coli could not get enough of, but Anu would never be everything that she could ask for. It was experience, years over the fragile soul that sat before her that told her the truth and demanded that she shield her heart. “to not know. I want you to be sure.” Anu could not live through another. Love that faded left a heart bleeding, love that was refused and torn from her chest left a gaping hole and a blackness that threatened to swallow her whole. One more and she would die, she was sure it. Her voice was soft, and she was glad that hands were not available to touch the woman's soft fur. Anu would accept her, but to push her would be disastrous. She searched her face, and yet could not define the things she found, in defeat she held her breath after a few whispered words.

“You can still walk away.”


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