i'm done feeling like a skeleton.
The child noticed that Char had observed her casual avoidence of the sun, she smiled nervously at the large silver male. "Heh heh, the sun uh....does wierd things to uh...my fur." She understood that she herself wasnt the worst thing in souls, but she still thought it was wierd. However, Char and Spirit wouldnt be the first or probably the last wolves to find out about her unique fur. The thought calmed her, perhaps she'll show them later.

Rendall listened to Spirits talk of her tribe. "Wow it must be hard, I'd be proud to be apart of them if i survived too." She turned back to the loving silver male "Dont worry Charon, I will always come back to Pheonix Vally especially bo come see you and Spirit again. I just need to find my brother and sisters."

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