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Ty could only chuckle at the girl's dumbfounded expression, seeing she was off in another world, entirely missing his talk. Ty shrugged and made a casual sigh, making the sarcastic remark. "I'm so glad what I have to say matters anymore." he then made a friendly chuckle and offered her a hand up to stand. "Ah well, it wasn't important, just a lame attempt at humor I suppose. anyway, if we are going to spend some time together as friends, what would you like to do? Or are you going to dash off now and confess your profound love to Lysander?" He chuckled again and pointed at her. "Your thoughts are plastered right on your face."

Laughing lightly, he looked again at the dreamy eyed Asariel, lost in her own fantasies. Of course, these are only assumptions, but it couldn't be too hard to figure out what Asariel is thinking about these days. Her actions around Lysander say it all, when he's around, she is at his tail, when Ly is missing, her mind simply wanders, most likely to him. Ty hoped that one day Asariel could eventually deviate her thoughts from him, as only thinking about one thing can boarder on obsession, but Ty figured Asariel was a smart girl and could figure it out on her own.

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