Lean on me

ooc: Sorry, short post...I was in a hurry lol
Ruri couldn't help but hug Haven tighter as his crying grew more and more vigorous. His expression of doubt regarding the existence of true love only made her shake her head in disagreement. "It's real...and don't try to tell yourself otherwise. You just have to keep trying. I doubt it's easy...and I think...the problem with most people is that they stop trying when it gets too hard," she replied, her eyes shut tight to stop her own tears. She refused to cry. Haven was crying. He was the hurting one. There was no need for her to cry even if the situation made her feel sad. "True love isn't just a feeling Haven. It's an act...a self-sacrificing commitment to someone," she continued, her soft hand patting Haven's shoulder in a comforting manner. "When you find that person...just the right person...it'll happen," she whispered, "I know you probably thought Siobhan was the one...but maybe she wasn't. I'm not sure if any of this makes sense...but I have to believe that you'll find true love Haven," she finished, at a complete loss for words. She wasn't sure if anything she had just said would comfort her friend, but she had felt the need to say what she believed about true love. The slender optime continued to hug the sobbing male, doing her best to keep from sobbing along with him. She wasn't about to let him give up on love because of this. Surely this was just a test of his character which cruel fate had decided to administer to him. Surely this pain would pass! Haven was too nice of a person not to end up with someone to complete him.



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