The Outside Corner
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No problem! ^=^

Amata gasped noisly when she found out what her brother was doing. "Did yous asked Anu if you coulds plays there?" Amata knew how fun it could be to play in a place like Anu’s garden, and she certainly understood the fun of playing with bugs (except she didn’t like to play with biting spiders and stinging bees). But what if he hadn’t asked Anu? That would not be good… "I’s glad that yous bes careful, thoughs." Got’am was right and Mat-tea too—they had to be very, very careful!

"I’s likes playin’ with yous toos, Got’am!" Amata wagged her tail happily behind her as she playfully nudged his shoulder with her own. "I’s loves yous, brother Got’am!" Amata loved both of her siblings greatly, and she held them dear to her heart. A loving whine escaped her as she nibbled at his shoulder. And then suddenly she was pouncing on him, ready to play once more. And once more her harmless growls bounced pathetically off of her brother, although she never meant to hurt or be mean to the darker boy. Her little mouth tried as hard as it could do open as wide as possible, and she attempted to jump up and grab the back of his neck. In the end, however, she just ended up falling on the ground and rolling about, laughing and giggling until she had laughed her fill and rose once more. How fun it was to play with him! As she continued, the sun was already falling out of favor, and the world was growing dark with the promise of rain. But no clouds were yelling, and so Amata hardly noticed.

Amata continued to walk in silence. She didn’t like the silence because it was uncomfortable. So, to make it un-uncomfortable, the creamy puppy broke the silence. "Does you knows a place we cans drink at?" the girl asked, her voice sounding very loud in the silence. But the loudness of her voice was preferable to the awkward silence of moments before. A cheerful smile came to her little muzzle now. "I’s not wants to drinks from the puddles, but I’s are very thirsties!" She hoped that Got’am did know where a drinking place was—if not, they could always return to the mansion. "Ors wes can asks the grown-ups to gives us some water," she suggested aloud. Her tail cheerfully wagged several times behind her, signifying that it was okay if her brother Got’am didn’t know something. After all, the mansion was right there. All that they would have to do was to go inside and find someone to help them (but soon they would be old enough to help themselves). "I’s not cares where we gets a drinking, brother Got’am. And then maybes we can plays a game after!" That would be very fun! The creamy girl would have played at that very moment, but the thirst was simply too great! The fear of the monsters and the nervousness that rose within her must have dried up her mouth.


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