A flight of fancy on a windswept field
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No worries. :3 324 words.

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Taking her hand, Vigilante hoisted himself up into the strange mechanical thing, still slightly wary of what he was entering. There was no guarnatee that the human thing was actually safe, and though Hanna seemed to trust it enough, the mutt was not quite as positive. The inside of the machine was just as strange as the outside was, and that was not particularly reassuring. Regardless, he put on his normal, cool smile, not wanted to show her that he was the least bit worried about this thing they were standing in. Being certain that his worry would not be easily noted, Vigilante leaned against the inside of the machine, studying her once more. Her eyes were the most intriguing part of her, and though he was used to bi-colored eyes (he did, after all, come from a pack made up of mostly dogs, and bi-colored eyes were frequently found in mixed dogs), he had not seen them much in these parts. They were a welcome change from the normal golden wolf eyes, so very vibrant and bright.

Hanna. It was a much simpler name than some of the ones he had heard since coming here, but that was a good thing. Names did not always have to be complex to be considered good names. "Hanna," he repeated, rolling the name off his tongue. "It is a very lovely name, and so very fitting in its beauty." He knew that he was laying it on a little thickly, but there was nothing wrong with that, was there? He was a very flirtacious creature, but he did not find that be a bad quality to him. It was better than some things about him that he was not willing to share openly, anyway. "My name is Vigilante," he added, his tone very off-hand. He hoped she would not question the name at all; it tended to worry people when they realized what his name meant.


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