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"Well, you are in luck." Ty said with a knowing smile as he motioned towards a certain direction. "Because I know a hot spring that isn't too far away. If your still up for swimming anyway." He could see that Asariel was still feeling bad about the situation, leaving him in the dust like that, but Ty didn't honestly mind. Ty felt he was open and free again to find a woman he was actually was in love with, but he figured that he was out of luck for the moment, and women weren't really after him at the moment. He then shrugged off the thought and returned to pay attention to Asariel.

"Of course, we could always just go for a walk, maybe to the beach." He suggested, not out of boredom, but interest. To be honest, Ty and Asariel really didn't know each other very well, perhaps that was another reason why nothing happened. They had barely spent any time together, friend or lover, and on that note, Ty realized how separate they had been. Well, it was certainly time for a change, Ty was going to get to know Asariel better, as a friend though, and by being a friend for her, maybe she'd build a bit more confidence, and eventually talk to Lysander, if she wasn't going to do that already.

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