Searching for an Old Friend...
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She should have shown better skills than this at her own borders...the female was usually prepared, but today her mind was wandering. She couldn't stop thinking about Dawali despite the amount of time that she spent trying -not- to think about him. Ember didn't know what to do any more. She didn't really have a whole lot of friends...wolves to talk to about this. It was a personal thing. She would go to Savina but wasn't sure about going to the Crimson Dreams pack with their sudden change of leadership. Savina was probably really busy. And she wasn't sure about the whole story behind everything...Kansas was still there, even though Savina had kicked their sister out of the pack. At least Aniwaya was free of such problems.

Truth be told, she didn't quite remember the other female's name. There was something familiar about her, she knew, but a lot had changed since then and Ember had gone through a lot, too. "Ohhh...I see you now." She said, approaching. "You look familiar." She stated, crossing her arms, rain dripping down through some of the leaves to land on her head and ears.


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