The Outside Corner
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Phewf. Amata had not noticed that he hadn't answered her question. He didn't want to admit that he hadn't asked Anu, first. Maybe he should do that soon? The boy wanted to go there every single day to see if his caterpillar friend was a butterfly yet, and though that didn't necessarily mean going right into the garden, he often got distracted. That was what had happened earlier today; just as he had found a little caterpillar house a giant spider with it's gargantuan legs ambled by. The little pup had followed it through the undergrowth until it disappeared off to the left, beneath a tangle of leaves and stalks that he would not fit through without doing some damage (Very importants, rang Amata's voice in his head as he recalled his decision not to continue following it). After that, he had continued to follow a little path that was not as dense as the rest of the garden until he had heard Amata's playful laughter.

"We was a-playin' follow da leader," he said cheerfully, trying to fit what he had actually done into a real game. He was being sneaky, but that wasn't really playing, was it? "Me en the spiders. They had the enoooormous legs! En their bodies 'er little dots!" Gotham giggled, remembering what they looked like. They definitely were odd creatures. The boy was quickly learning that if he wanted to see something very strange looking he could simply take a trip to the garden (or any other place with lots of plants) and look at the bugs.

Gotham didn't really think that 'safest' was the most exciting word, but he couldn't help but agree with his sister. He nodded briskly and smiled. The water from the house didn't have that weird kind of mucky flavour that water from puddles often did. As he pondered this strange discrepancy between water that was, after all, all water (the monsters must taste funny), Amata issued a request. Gotham giggled - he liked the idea of being a prince! The curtsy thing was kind of funny, and the boy wouldn't have known what it was even if it looked exactly how it was supposed to. He laughed a little more. "Oh-kay, cool Princess!" he exclaimed before extending his forepaws and lowering his head in a bow. How did princes take princesses home? Perhaps in the manner that Urma had taken Gotham back to the manor the other day - on their backs! Crouching close to the ground, he said, "Princess, get on!"


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