A flight of fancy on a windswept field
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v313/ ... leboat.png); background-position: bottom center; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

300+ words.

She had spoken only moments before the shrieking noise had happened. Though he was a little surprised at her boldness, he was not surprised that she might put the word to its actual meaning. Most, however, did not question the name in his presence, or vocally, if they did at all. Many just seemed to assume that it was a name, and not actually a description, as well. Shrugging, he poked with one clawed finger at a red button. "What's done is done," he said quietly, almost nervously. It was an admission of the past for him, though not something he said outright in response to her offhand joke. "Don't behave too much, though, because a little excitement is good for everyone," he added, louder this time in hopes of being heard over the noise, his tone matching hers in its joking manner. He was not actually so serious about much, and he did not want her behavior to change because of his descriptive name.

The screech did not last perpetually, but it was very annoying until the end of the wretched sound. Eyes wide with confusion and alarm, Vigilante stared at the buttons he had been pressing and the knob Hanna had been toying with. The noise had only added to his suspician when it came to the human machine, and he was feeling a little nervous about where he was sitting. "What was that noise," he growled incredulously, turning to look at the darker wolf beside him. Though she had told him that she did not know anything of the machine, either, he was still hoping she would have an answer for his question. The hand he had not been using the touch the various buttons, the one farthest from Hanna, was gripping his seat tightly, and he was very obviously worried about their fate if they stayed where they were. Because of his lack of knowledge of human things, he was generally wary and untrusting of human things.


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