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When she had been living in Crimson Dreams and Davinci over in Phoenix Valley she had come to visit him a few times. She knew some of the territory, but would have to walk around a lot to get a good feel for it in the coming weeks before the pups would arrive. She had been very interested in learning about their herds, how many animals they had and what sorts there were. Naniko had never seen such a thing, though she had once had the idea of keeping deer and breeding them for more food. It was almost the same thing.

They approached the cabin that Geneva spoke of. It was much nicer than the shop that she had been living in, most definitely--that shop had cold, concrete floors and sparse decoration...but this place seemed very rustic and inviting."It's really nice." It was decided. The mansion, when they had found that back when they'd formed Twilight Vale, had been pretty dirty inside....but because it was a larger structure with very thick walls, it had been mostly protected. This cabin seemed very clean to her, something that she liked. She padded up the front steps to nose the door open, holding it so that Geneva might pass her and enter as well.

"I've miscarried one litter and birthed another...I think that I will be ok, but it will be different without Deuce and Iskata there to help me through. I know what to do...it's just scary, sometimes." Especially during the more painful times of the birth. She listened carefully to the rank that Geneva said, trying the word out. "Tenens." She would have to remember that so that she could tell others if they asked her what her rank in the pack was. "Thank you, Geneva. I won't disappoint you. I'll learn all I can about the herds. I think th at it would be good as well--I could heal them if they became ill, and assist them during births" She had always enjoyed helping animals."Tenens." She would have to remember that so that she could tell others if they asked her what her rank in the pack was. "I was wondering--did you tell Jefferson that I was coming? And how are things going--has anything new happened with you two?" She sat down near the bed in the corner, sighing with relief, though the things on her back still weighed on her. She could rest for a little while before she went out to explore the lands later in the day.

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