i'm done feeling like a skeleton.
She listened to Spirit and Char talk for a while, she nodded in agreement with them. "We all love our families very much, and thats what keeps us tied to them the strongest i guess." The sun felt warm against her fur and she was finally able to truely relax. So many memories to sort through it seemed, at least at them moment.

In her short life, the child was never hidden from the truth, only because she wasnt truly appart of the pack, or so Avery had said. Most of the pups born with her were told many lies to keep them thinking that they're old leader was a hero. Charons comforting voice brought her back. She wagged her tail happily at his comment, people like him were the reason she could never truely stay away from this wonderful land. She hoped that she would also bring back her family, or what was left of it, back here as well.

She grinned at the large loving wolf, "Well it wasnt always that way, you see my father, Seff, he was the pack alpha. My mother, Ylva, was his luperci mate. With him in charge the pack and everything in it seemed at peace. Until Avery, his cousin i think, well she killed him and claimed the pack as her own....it all seemed to be very cruel at that point, even pups who were my friends werent really allowed to talk to me." she laid down and put her head on her paws. It was a sad fact in life but many people have had it worse and she was glad to just gone through it and be here with her friends.

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