a little bit nutty
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Haha, of course I don't mind! Big Grin


The peace of the day, the gentle murmur of distant bird calls and the almost inaudible sound of stalks of tall grass sliding against each other in the wind, faded into a much more exciting scene. Hemming, in his usual tradition of never knowing what went on around him, was a little surprised to hear a voice. The general calmness of the day and the safety he felt within AniWaya tribe lands seemed to dampen the type of reaction he would normally give, fortunately. Instead of jumping in shock and vocalizing a short-lived panic, he turned to the wolf that had approached him, a smile on his face.


She was a young one, and one that Hemming had never actually met before. He had, at least, seen her at the Green Corn Ceremony, but the duck hadn't been there, had it? Hemming wondered for a moment as the girl continued to talk. One may have considered her long chain of words to be babbling, but each piece of information Noir provided seemed to be at least tangentially relevant, and Hemming had a high tolerance for words anyway. The older wolf figured that the Uncle Ho she referred to was Honoré, whom he had met a while ago, and he was distressed to hear that he wasn't leaving the house. Whyever not?


Once Noir had stopped talking, Hemming replied, with a smile pulling up the sides of his face, "I'm Hemming, and my Spirit Guide, Dagrun, is over there somewhere." He waved a finger towards the bushes. "And I like nuts, too! You could collect some with me, if you want. I have a nice big basket." Usually he wouldn't have been so eager to jump to the conclusion that he liked something, but the nuts he had eaten were really quite tasty and in this case he didn't mind generalizing. Besides, those words were much more simple than an entire explanation of the reasons he thought that he might like nuts.

Sie made this! ♥

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