the jester upsurped the king
WC: 300

The mad king had done all in his power to ignore the changing of the seasons, but even in his convoluted mind, he could feel that the nights were growing colder and the seas were growing stormier. He hated cold. And this would be his worst winter, because it would be the first time he saw more than a powdering of snow... In the deep south, winters were mild, peppered with rain and occasionally frost. His thin dog fur had little trouble with the temperate climate, but here... well, Ruri wouldn't be the only one clinging to sweaters and coats. Unless he could devise a way to remain indoors with a consistent bonfire...

His dark eyes glazed over with thought, long legs still striding with purpose along the damp sand at the edge of the shore. He was, after all, always moving. He barely slept, and was known to wander at all odd hours, just for the sake of walking. It all probably tied into the short attention span, since the changing scenery was more attractive than being stuck in one locale, but Jac was never that introspective to notice. What he did notice, however, was a familiar scent lingering in the salty air. Reverie forgotten, the lean Optime raised his long muzzle, peering towards the nearby cabin to see a flash of silvery-gold fur.

A smile lit up his terracotta-red countenance, and he bounded over towards his old friend, pleased that she had returned to him for a third time. "You seem rather forlorn, ma petite!" he boomed, his exuberant cheerfulness the polar opposite of her moody brooding. Looming over her, the one-armed man flashed her a toothy grin, boldly unafraid of her potential lashing out. He wouldn't mind being pushed around a little... if it was by her.


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