a little bit nutty
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Psh! I see no suckage.


Dagrun chirped a little, rustling her feathers, before diving again into a bush full of berries. She was not the most sociable thing, but then again Hemming did not know much about Spirit Guides and if they liked to socialize. Surely they were like wolves, and varied in their willingness to chum around. He smiled genially at Noir's comment about Kinigisdi, and adopted a rather thoughtful gaze, as if he was contemplating where the bird could be. "That's a very nice name," he said gently, "Perhaps she is in the bushes looking for berries, just like Dag." His gaze moved from the girl before him to the little patches of brush that dotted the landscape. The wolf had no clue where Spirit Guides went when they were gone, and often wondered if they had disappeared from the real world all together and spent some time in some kind of spirit world.


Hemming grinned widely at the girl's enthusiasm as she exclaimed that she would join him. It seemed that most everything was made more fun when company was around, and the silvery male was always pleased to meet the few AniWayans that he had not yet had the pleasure to meet. He had met Attila, but would not have assumed that he was Noir's brother, based on her boisterous and friendly demeanour. "Good!" he proclaimed, the girl's attitude rubbing off on him a little.


He, too, had quite enjoyed the nut bread at the ceremony. The male had never even heard of ketchup, though, and when the girl mentioned it he raised his eyebrows. Hemming wouldn't question what they were doing in a bush, but this strange sounding ... whatever it was sounded rather interesting. "Ketchup?" he asked, "What's that?" As he voiced his question, he started to walk slowly along the little path he had been following, his eyes scanning the ground for nuts.

Sie made this! ♥

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