Package from a past life
Ty nodded simply forfeiting Pendzez's advice, telling Ty he needed to learn more. And partially, Ty agreed, Ty was not the perfect warrior, he knew that, but he could feel the vibe he was getting from Pendzez. Those words...Pendzez was treating him like a student, not an equal. He held back the offended feeling he got, because he knew where Pendzez was coming from. Ty knew the bushido code, but he also knew the warrior codes from many different heritages and cultures, but Pendzez didn't know that. Pendzez was simply assuming because of how Ty had fought that Ty was nothing more then a uneducated thug, and while that was not an insult directly at him, it was an unintentional insult to all those who had trained Ty, showed him their ways of war, taught him how to fight. Pendzez only saw the teachings of bushido as the one true path of being a warrior, Ty saw differently. Bushido was an admirable and focused way of training warriors, but it was not the only way.

But he wouldn't chew Pendzez out for it, he wouldn't shout at him, after all, he didn't suspect that is how Pendzez meant for it to sound. Pendzez didn't know where Ty came from, the experiences he had before he came here to the Valley, he only saw what Ty had done today. They had different teachings and philosophies, things Pendzez could not see by simply sparring him. So Ty simply shrugged off the words as he turned back to the white noble and nodded. "Well, there is always room for improvement." He said with a smile. He placed the scimitar back into his trunk of collected weapons, then closed the big wooden crate and locked it. "Perhaps we will have to do this again sometime." He spoke as he attempted to tie the two trunks together.

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