Searching for an Old Friend...
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She wore her cloak today as she usually did, long, dark hair decorated with a variety of beads and feathers. She was not an original member of Dawali's tribe, but she had been there with him when Aniwaya had first been formed. Anyone in their tribe was considered to be a full member, she supposed, and anyone could wear feathers and beads. She wanted to make herself stand out from the others, as a sub-leader rather than a regular member, so she decorated herself with more beads and dyed feathers to stand out a bit more.

She cocked her head to the side as she listened to Angel, brows furrowing in slight confusion. "I was a member there, but Pilot and Tayui were my leaders. It was a while ago...but I never did get up to leadership, not that I recall. This is the first time I've been a leader of something. But the Shadowed Sun pack was formed after the fires. My father Phoenix ran Storm, back in the old lands, forever ago...but it's been a while since then." Phoenix and her were like day and night. His pelt had held beautiful colors and hers was a dull brown/black. She did have his eyes, though. "I am doing well in Aniwaya, though, thank you. Settling in well."

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