rescue our friend
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OOC: It's just fine, don't worry Big Grin ::Word Count:: 600+

The alabaster female watched with rising curiousity the male's behaviour, the predicament he suddenly seemed to have found himself in with the breaching of the subject of Naniko's pregnancy. The thoughts that had already surfaced on her mind found a type of confirmation in the male's hesitancy, his clear difficulty in the face of the turn their conversation had just taken. It was this attitude of his that startled the fair femme, that triggered a chain of thoughts she would not have normally reached. But the conclusion she found herself facing following each successive link in that chain was something she felt almost embarrassed to think and which she knew would be hard to ask the male without sounding like a clear intrusion into certain aspects that were personal. The Marino already looked somehow worn out by the entire experience, which only added to her rising suspicions, but which also strengthened her conviction that she could not ask Savina's brother to shed light on any piece of information he was not comfortable giving.

Ehno's ears pulled back in a mirrored act of her own, and she inwardly cringed at her readiness to surmise that the grey wolf before her was indeed the father. She could not understand where such guess work had come from, so straightforward and plainly certain that it left her with the impossibility of thinking of other prospective father figures. Indeed, now that this thought had grown firm roots in the soil of her mind, she could see the likeliness of it, could see how the fact that most of the times he had been by her side could only make the situation so much easier. The two would have had all the time in the world for such a thing to take place.

This sudden discovery did not worry the fair Crimson Dreamer, however. She knew her friend well enough, and although Naniko's drug experience could have left her more vulnerable than Urma knew her to be, she was sure, judging by the name Ehno carried, that he would have done nothing to take advantage of a certain situation. The fact that he had still just recently gone to see Naniko in the city, or that was what the pearl femme had gathered from her friend's words, confirmed that the puppies were the fruits of something quite special. A deep sense of happiness flooded her, and only the desire not to lose the fragile trust she had gained from the male stopped her from congratulating him. Adopting a more sombre tone, befitting of the position she was in, but also meant not to allow the Marino to suspect her realization of his and Naniko's relationship, she said, "I understand. It is important for the pups to grow in a stable environment. I too have tried convincing our friend to come back-- but I also understand how partly her pride and partly her stubbornness make her think that Crimson Dreams will not be a safe place for the little ones. I don't mean to say more than is my business to say, but... not everyone here would act kindly towards her. I am sure none of the members would be hostile or unwelcoming with the pups, or bear any grudges to them by extension. Yet somehow, for the moment, to most, Naniko is still an outcast." She said this last sentence staring guiltily at the ground. For all the hurt her white friend had caused to Savina and her children, she knew that it had been unwilling. Naniko loved pups, and as she herself had told Urma, would have never allowed one to come near any of that stuff. Urma felt, deep down, it was somehow wrong to accuse the ex-Commander. You could not blame a blind man for not showing another the right way-- he himself would not be able to see it. And Naniko had not been herself then, the fair female was certain.


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