spit shine

She couldn't help but smirk as she realized that she'd she'd gotten under the girl's skin. If the woman didn't learn early that Firefly was dangerous she probably would find herself on the wrong side of the golden lady's schemes sooner than later. Firefly's emerald eyes shone in amusement as she watched the other woman, wondering if she was going to snap or just take the cruel intentions of the bitchy Sadira.

Her fangs showed as the annoyance seemed to pour off of Ayita's words as she explained that she'd been there a long while. Firefly couldn't help but raise a brow again as she mentioned, "Funny, I've never seen you about.." She was rather surprised, she'd been part of Cour des Miracles since the day the pack had been founded and she'd known most of the souls that had been there, perhaps a few has slipped by unnoticed the few weeks before her departure.

She decided to wait and see what the lass' excuse was for never being noticed before she continued to pick at that subject.. but the woman's switch of languages made Firefly laugh out loud as she rolled her eyes. Did she think she was brilliant because she could speak another language, Firefly didn't care and she didn't feel like telling the girl she'd understood everything she said, instead she just went on trying to ruffle the woman's feather's some more. "So, if Leroy would know the answers to my questions it makes me wonder how long you've been sleeping with him.. considering he did have a mate oh.. about four months ago." She flashed the woman a devilish smile as she chuckled.

When the woman left her with the off remark about her cards in life Firefly did outright roll her eyes before meeting the gaze of the other, her sharp green eyes narrowing slightly as she spoke flatly. "You weren't dealt a bad hand, you fuck around you get with child, easy as that.. didn't your mother teach you anything.." She really did hate idiots. Firefly didn't exactly understand what the youth had meant by being a mother, her ears pinned back a moment as she forgot all about the halter as she asked. "A mother? What? Normally isn't there a father to go along with that, one that's going to stick around?" She didn't think that Leroy would leave the pack anytime soon but she could guess that the male probably wasn't too proud to be fathering illegitimate children either. She really didn't know what girl's obsessions with being a mother was all about. She wished she could just smack the bitch upside the head and knock some sense into her.. but she doubted that was the best solution.


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