could've been the champagne [p]

Hrm, I guess you can either close this or reply once more? :] Good thread, we definitely need to have another with these two sometime! Big Grin

#$%@His stony expression faltered for a moment and he sighed deeply--ah, young people, all so idealistic. "They're my family. Like it or not, blood runs thicker than water. Friends, lovers... they'll all come and go; even if you can't pick 'em, sometimes at the end of the day family is all that you've got left," he replied easily. She seemed to have family in a couple of places, though, and with that came more options. He really only had the one. The Lykois, de le Poers and Holocausts were Inferni; at any given time, at least half of the membership base could claim ties to those lines through blood or marriage. That was what gave the clan their strength; they weren't just a mish-mosh of drifters with no loyalties, those that came and went when it was convenient. There was a reason they had persisted when the fire had sparked the great exodus to the southern half of the peninsula, though he supposed that was before her time.

#$%@It wasn't as if he hadn't entertained the idea of living anywhere else--he supposed Savina would welcome him in if he showed up at her doorstep, and maybe he even stood a chance of fitting in with the motley crew of hybrids down at Cour des Miracles. That was fine and all, but supposing he were accepted to either place he wouldn't even know what to do next. He'd been born and raised in war; it was all he knew. The other packs operated differently than Inferni; they were much more lax about visitors, they were much more open-minded with strangers. Anselm was not and he probably never would be--it'd be hard to unlearn the lessons of the past four years of his life just in a snap. In Inferni he found duty and purpose, and above all else stability and familiarity.

#$%@It seemed she'd picked up on his subconscious itch to move, maybe even a moment before he did himself. He rose lightly to his feet and stretched, pausing briefly to shake out any dust that may have settled on his coat. "I don't really make plans, I just do things," he said simply, honestly having no idea where he intended to go next. He supposed he really should get back to Inferni... he did have to talk with Gabriel. Fortunately for her, he was all too eager to delay the inevitable. "I can walk you home, if you'd like," he offered at last; he'd understand if she were still shaken up over the "douchebag wolf" incident, and he wanted to kill some time anyway.

table by Amber <3

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