The sun rises again.

Their bodies spoke more powerfully then words. It had taken the wolfess some time to kill the urge to fold her ears at the sight of a larger wolf, to tuck her tail as the sound of a growl. Leadership had never been her natural calling. Her stature was slight, her form lean and thin, her features soft. But her mind was strong, her compassion great, and honesty never ending. The other females that lead the Dreaming pack had seen the trust that she could own and gave it to her. For that Anu had changed. Now as she looked at the newcomer, one who sought acceptance and a place within their ranks Anu showed the power that the pack would hold. Her tail high, ears unmoving and taking in the sound of the other’s voice.

The female watched her with a neutral gaze, and as her blue eyes looked into them, and while neither broke their stare she found a power in them. It did not seem untamed, but the Dreamer could not look to the green orbs and not find it. About to speak, the nameless female looked away and Anu let her eyes follow. The bird perched in the tree was large in size and looked to her with a purposeful gaze. The timber coated watched, but let her focus stay on the stranger.
“Crimson Dreams is no pass-through. “ Anu warned, though her tone was lighter and the tension lessoning in her features. She was happy to open her home to this female, but it was a home and a place that demanded as much as it gave.
“I am Anu. Here you will find protection, the comforts of a pack and friendship. What do you offer in return?”

By Akumu

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