The sun rises again.
(OOC: I have a surgery tomorrow, I'll be recovering for a bit, but I will try to get on and keep this post active, sorry. Wink 300+ words, 3 pts)

Aposun mulled over the the question that was posed to her in her head. Her fur tousled slightly as the breeze blew gently by, and the faint autumn smell consumed her body. She breathed in heavily for a minute. She looked at the wolfess, her gaze thick but friendly, and spoke softly. "I am a powerful hunter," she began, "I used to hunt for a whole coven of ravens." At the thought of the Nightbirds, Aposuns heart skipped a little with a gentle thud. She missed them earnestly, but wanted to do Rhakvash proud. "It is very easy for me to hunt on my own, and because of this I can support a pack more easily because less energy is spent tracking food. I am also intelligent and cunning, and a very sly. I can sneak up very easily on others in my lupus form." Aposun looked to Nightfli, who shifted on his branch, watching. It took Aposun but merely a minute, her disheveled hair become neat and thinner, a small crunch of bones and joints here and there as her limbs shrunk and muscles took a smaller form. Aposun had changed into her lupus form, a brilliantly lean and small female. She had lots of fluffy fur around her ears and neck, and a feathery tail, unlike the thick, coarse fur she was accustomed to as a secui. The most noticeable change, with any secui-lupus transformation, was the fact that her size was so different. Aposun was much smaller this way. "I can sneak up easily," she broke off, and then started again after swallowing a wad of saliva, "because I am so small. I am light and fast." Nightfli clicked a little, drawing Aposuns attention from the femme. "Aposun has Nightfli", he looked right at the wolfess, "I am eyes and trust and voice."

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