The sun rises again.

yayyy! we can end here, or keep going. ust PM me or reply :].. its up to you. you'll be titled and ready to post!! I also recommend filling out your profile, then people will know all this good history on Aposun!!

Listening came easily to the wolfess. Never shy about being silent Anu took in the story that she had ask for in a round about way. Her story was a sad one, but her connection with the winged beasts was fascinated. Many did not understand her own love of plants and trees, nor her faith in the Sun. This relationship that she had with the coven, and with this Nightfli, could be taken as a negative omen but Anu was more curious then she was afraid. "None are chastised here for their Luperci." Anu told her, in case Aposun feared that such a discrimination existed.

Anu smiled along with the other wolfess. Maybe there were gaining more then just one member. The bird sat upon the female shoulder, eyeing Anu and perhaps wondering wondering if they had past the test that would allow them entrance into Crimson Dreams. "Its a pleasure to welcome you to Crimson Dreams Aposun and Nightfli." it was not as odd to adress the bird as she once thought. She spoke to flowers after all.

By Akumu

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