Necklace Hunting
mall-caps;">In Character

    The interaction with Skylar had not been forgotten; the ashen hybrid had simply pushed it to the back of her head, filing it away for further use later. In any case, the woman had not shown face around the clan anymore, and her particular scent had faded from the neutral lands, meaning she had either departed the land or stayed exclusively within the Valley's borders. Either was a possibility, and Kaena did not jump to conclusions. She had wished to discover more about this woman for some time, and should the young canine here have that information, the hybrid would be quite pleased. Skylar had claimed to be Jael's sibling, and Kaena knew his father to be Vitium Lykoi, her very son. There was no challenging that.

    The coyote woman did not respond to the younger canine at her first words. She had not known Xeris's name prior to this, and it was good to have a name attached to a crime. She had claimed to be lost, but still—that was no excuse. And she should have run the instant Kaena showed fang, she should have known better. Kaena was quite right in her own mind, convinced of her duty to protect her own. "Her name was Skylar, a young hybrid. She was rather deep in our territory." The coyote peered at the Valley wolf with clear interest in her single eye now. "Do you know her?" she asked. Considering a moment, the hybrid woman watched as the younger canine appeared to lose her ferocity. That was good, though the Centurion would remain somewhat wary for a time.

    There was an awkward pause. "We mark our borders with skulls to keep outsiders out. What more can we do?" she said, rather miserably, as if tired of fighting off invaders. It was partially true—there were many instances throughout the hybrid woman's life that she had to chase wolves from coyote territory. The issue of Skylar loomed more importantly for her at the moment, as this was an issue that had rolled over in her head for some time. Jael was gone, yes, but the hybrid woman was sure he would return sooner or later. They all did, and the fire-eyed white hybrid would come home to Inferni eventually. When he did, Kaena intended to be armed with knowledge to help him, including whether or not that Skylar had lied to him in claiming to be his sibling.

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