What a mess


Ruri listened silently as Leroy mentioned that no females had been chasing after him. It seemed odd to her that a strong, able-bodied male like Leroy would not have any women interested in him at the moment, but perhaps she was simply naive about these things. The patterned male made mention of the fact that one day she would have so many males coming after her she would have to bat them away with a stick. Her half-folded ears perked at the idea only to have herself shrug her shoulders indifferently. "If I have to bat them away with a stick, they'll probably be fairly safe. I have pretty bad aim," she laughed jokingly. In truth she'd probably have decent aiming abilities even without her eyesight. Her keen senses of hearing and smell enabled her to pinpoint relatively exact locations of individuals.

The silver and ivory female heard Leroy stand up and she quickly followed suit, her petite form dwarfed by the larger male. He then suggested that they go inside if it would make her more comfortable. The edges of her lips curved in a small smile of thanks to her considerate packmate as she pondered her answer briefly, "Sure Leroy, if you want to we can go inside." The delicate female quietly padded to the door her tiny claws making a soft clicking sound on the wood of the porch. With a gentle nudge Ruri managed to push open the door of her cabin, leaving it open for Leroy to follow behind her. When she was in her lupus form she rarely bothered to close the door all the way, at least when she was outside. She would always have an easy way to get back inside that way.


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