Like an apple on a tree, hiding behind the leaves

WC: 700+
Fff, I end up typing novels when I reply to things out of order. :> And, once Coli's plot thread with Leland concludes, she's going to defect for good. Yay!

The river water had been absolutely frigid, but she had still slipped into it that morning, hurriedly scrubbing the garden earth from her warm brown fur before the icy cold became too much. The next step had been a mad dash back to her untidy cabin, where the fireplace was happily crackling, warming the room so that she could dry herself off. Once her teeth had stopped chattering, and her thin Optime fur was no longer sodden and dripping, she delicately tossed a handful of the aromatic bracken into the fire. The pleasant scent of the woodsmoke mixed with the aroma of the potpourri, quelling her anxiety at the same time it dried (and perfumed!) her pelt.

She used an old dishrag of Deuce's to buff her claws and smooth down her frizzing coat, and then she meticulously ran her claws to comb the long hair of her mane. She had shorn it shorter a moon or two ago, but it was nearly back to the same length it used to be. Now she was presentable. Hopefully. The pale sun had risen overhead by the time the obsessive werewolf completed her menial tasks, trying to look decent before she made the long walk to visit her... lover. No, that didn't sound right. But they had admitted their feelings... they were more than friends, after all, despite their demure relationship. A tinge of pink colored her cream-furred cheeks, and the blushing girl shook her head, embarrassed even in the safety of her own home.

Colibri set out swiftly, her fleet pace carrying her quickly past the scent borders of her home pack. She did not want to risk the humiliation of explaining to the border patrol why her fur smelled like vervain and balsam pine needles, or why she had a battered old tea kettle tucked under one arm, stuffed with rooted flowers and sloshing with spring water. She especially did not want to explain why she was spending so much time outside of her pack, or who it was she kept meeting with. The shame would send her straight back to her cabin with her tail between her legs, and she was already overdue for a visit. Anu was a leader, after all, and could not be expected to drop all of her duties just to visit the good-for-nothing that had somehow managed captured her heart.

Her whirling thoughts made the journey go by faster, although the gusty winds had grown more fierce as she drew close to the borders. There were dominant scents here, and she recoiled at the thought of meeting the angry Commander, or the tough warriors who protected her. Soon, soon enough she would be their ally; but for now, she was a trespasser, and needed to keep a low profile. She wanted to find Anu as a surprise - and not the sort of surprise that involved being frog-marched by a guard. The slender werewolf kept low and flitted between the trees, shying away every time she caught a whiff of the border patrol here. She had always been good at avoiding attention. Keen blue eyes searched every ray of sunlight, trying to find the place in the forest that Anu had met her in the rain. She had been nearby, hadn't she? Her house must be close...

But when she spotted the sandy-grey werewolf, she wasn't relaxing at home but instead toiling in a garden, neat rows of pumpkins unfurling before her eyes, framed by the wizened branches of a patch of apple trees. Coli caught her breath, transfixed by the nature spirit at work - the fluid deft movements, her expert fingers selecting the apples she wanted to claim, a gentle rhythm dictating her collection. Her heart immediately sputtered, trying to speed up and skip a beat at the same moment.

Clutching her unruly chest with one hand and her flower-filled kettle with the other, the Dahlian crept to the edge of the apple trees, warily making sure Anu was focused on the tree at hand. She nestled the kettle between the curling roots of the apple tree, arranging the uprooted plants so that their late blossoms faced smiling upwards to greet the dutiful apple-picker. Then Coli crept back into the shadows of the forest, watching from afar with a giddy smile plastered on her muzzle. Of course she would come out as soon as Anu discovered her gift, but she wanted to ensure the best possible mood before she made her entrance.


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