Following The White Rabbit.
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Snake had been loping down the expanse of Hades Beach. He mostly kept to the shoreline, where the sand and pebbles met the broad plain filled with jagged rocks and pinnacle before fading into the plains and forests of Inferni. This was the next step on his exploration of the territory. He had visited the center, where the Caves were, and the northern reaches where the lands dipped and rose into grassy peaks and canyons. He had thoroughly explored the landfill in the southwestern part of the territory, though the forest was still beyond him at the moment. That would be next, right after he finished roving the beach. It wasn’t exactly what anyone would call a paradise resort. The water was a blue-gray, moving sluggishly—very different from the usual crashing waves of the northern Atlantic. It was cold, due to their northern nature as well as the shifting seasons. The chilliness didn’t bother the young coyote, though; he continued right along. His paws, used to treading over rough ground, weren’t at all bothered by the sharp sand and the occasional rock. It was a gentle walk, under a calm day.

That was, of course, until the wayward coastal winds carried a scent to Snake. The dark fur along his spine immediately began to prickle as he realized that it was not a scent branded with Inferni, and didn’t even seem coyote at all. Wolf. The word hissed in his mind, and he remembered immediately the words of Hezekiah and Kaena—that wolves in this region were not to be trusted and, above all, were meant to be kept out of Inferni.

This was it. This was Snake’s chance to step up for Inferni. He had heard about the recent intrusion of another wolf, who had been idiotic enough to take one of the wolf skulls adorning the pikes along the boundaries and break it. Inferni had found him, broken him, and replaced the skull he had broken with his very own. While Snake didn’t think he could transcend to that level of savagery just yet (well, at least not alone), he was sure that he would respond accordingly.

He ran towards the scent as swiftly as his Optime form could carry him until he found the trespasser—a golden-furred wolf, perhaps a yearling, who was sitting atop one of the beach’s rocks, staring out to sea and weaving something between his fingers. His peace seemed to infuriate the normally-emotionless Snake. He growled, the sound growing in a quick crescendo in his teenager’s throat until it erupted in a small snarl. “You are trespassing on Inferni lands,” he stated bluntly, standing not but ten feet away from the wolf. “I suggest you leave—now.” He took a neutral stance, but a strong one. He knew he didn’t have to do anything special in his Optime form. But, if he faced any troubles here, he knew he was only a few minutes away from his powerful Secui form or his swift Lupus form. Snake had been called a savant at shifting, managing to do so usually from two to five minutes. He didn’t think he needed it. He was a proficient fighter in his most human of all forms.


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