Following The White Rabbit.
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OOC: I hope you don't mind Daisuke being weird. xD; also there is a slight pp, and if you want me to edit, I will do so asap, just pm me.

BIC: Daisuke yawned lightly. The ocean's melodic voice seemed to try and lull him to sleep. His audits bent back as he fought to stay awake, his hands still working hard on the knotting of the necklace. He sighed once more before he actually looked down at the necklace and realized that it was done. He looked at it and then wrapped it around his own neck to see if it would fit. Just slightly too small. He sighed again before he took the shell that sat on the rock next to him, and he tied it to the middle, where it would hang down on the owner's neck. Now all he needed to do is find that special someone to put it on. He was sad that there wasn't a company around, even though little did he know, he was on lands that were not so....hospitable as the others might have been. In fact, didn't he see a wolf skull on a pike when he entered the lands? Why...Now that he thought about it, yes he certainly did. Did he care? Not really. He was a loner, and a peaceful loner, and he did not plan on causing the pack who lived here any harm, so why should they be so angry that he was there? All he was doing was admiring the ocean that they had claimed for themselves. Every time he thought about the claiming of the ocean, it made his shackles raise in annoyance.

Then a growl hit his audits. He didn't bother to pay much attention to who was coming his way, especially since he was lost in his own mind, thinking about the ocean. His blue orbs lazily moved towards the source of the growl, and there stood a male, looking a little bit aggressive, and defensive. He looked the male up and down, before his eyes moved back to the hemp necklace that he wove. You are trespassing on Inferni lands, I suggest you leave—now. a threat that had gotten to his audits, but blatantly ignored by the golden wolf. He was more concerned about his necklace that he made. Daisuke looked back to the "wolf" that stood there. Was he even a wolf? He looked like one, but then again, he was much shorter, and slightly different in his looks. You see, truth was, They did not have coyotes on Zirenta, and He hadn't really met any when he left the island either, so he was basically lost. Daisuke held a friendly smile on his lips, and he hopped down from his perch. His blue eyes were locked on the olive green of the other male's. Daisuke stood at his full height, but his body held no hostility, rather instead, it held a puppyish innocence to it, and his tail even wagged lightly, even though the male was growling and snarling. You're cute enough. It'll suit you perfectly. he spoke, his body closing the distance between the two. He held up the necklace and looked at it around the boy's neck for a brief moment. Most definitely. The shell even matches. the boy giggled lightly. He then went reached his hands around the boy's neck, making the two be very close for a second as he double tied the necklace behind the boy's neck. Not tight enough to choke him, but tight enough to where it would be comfortable. The boy's neck did look so much better after he put it there.

Now little puppy... You be nice, you hear? No more growling, and snarling, okay? he spoke as he touched the boy's nose with his finger, and giggled. He removed his finger rather quick though, hoping the boy wouldn't try and bite him. My name's Daisuke C. Ghanjai/Urahazu. Who're you? Also, you said this place is Inferni? This is the first I'm hearing the name. I'm sorry for trespassing, but I'm not exactly....From this place... From this general area. I just arrived here from Zirenta a few days ago, so I'm just trying to find my way around the place.... Plus! The ocean calls me. She said that she missed me, and I just couldn't ignore her. If she gets mad, well...She'd probably flood the entire shore! Or worse, the entire land! You know she has to power to do that, 'ya know! he got all dramatic at the end, raising his hands high in the sky to emphasize that he meant what he was talking about. He also nodded his head rapidly before letting the friendly smile reappear on his lips. Plus, I'm waiting for the water dragon. he should be around the beach somewhere. Have you seen him yet? the boy asked, his head cocking lightly before he looked back at the necklace that he place around the boy's neck. It really makes a difference. It looks so perfect placed right there... You promise to leave it on? For me? Pleaseeee? he begged the boy. The necklace meant so much to him, since he had been spending the last few days working and working on it so that it'd be perfect for this male whom rightfully "claimed" it with his look. If the boy took it off....Daisuke would be heartbroken, angry, confused. All sorrow would show, and he's probably fall into a dark depression. All he wanted was to be friends. And friends give friends gifts. And this was his gift to this boy.

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