Following The White Rabbit.
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OOC: Dai talks alot... xD

BIC: Daisuke started to go in the opposite direction of the male, which he noticed only seconds after, and with that, he turned around on his heels and trotted up alongside the other male. We are related to wolves, but we are usually smaller. We look different. the boy spoke on the whole coyote subject. I do agree that you look different, even smell different. I've just...never encountered one of your kind before... he spoke, looking at the ground for a second, not in shame, but more in a thoughtful way. He'd have to keep in mind that there were different species of canine here, and that the coyotes had a problem with the wolves. “There are bound to be beaches not claimed by a pack. he continued. i don't understand why there are claimed beaches here though. The ocean cannot belong to just one. No. The ocean, she belongs to herself, and no one else. For one to try and chain her is blasphemy, wouldn't you think? he asked, cocking his head to the male. Daisuke had his beliefs, and he would always stick by them. Ever since he was a little pup, he had asked why was the sea claimed by Qixak. He never understood this fact, and never liked it either. He never did find the answer to it.

Snake. the male spoke. That was his name? Just...Snake? It was a good name, he guessed. It was simple, yet strong. Snake....I like it. It's a good name. For you. It suits you. It does. he spoke, smiling softly at the male. You don't have a surname? Like, you know, how my name is Daisuke Urahazu? Do all coyotes not have surnames? he asked, curious about not only him, but his species as well. He wondered how much different they really were. Wolves have fought coyotes forever. Inferni came together so the coyotes could create a land where they didn’t have to be afraid of wolves who wanted to do them harm. We—we only act aggressively to keep wolves far away. he was slightly saddened at the fact that his own kind could be so mean to their cousins. That's not right. I'm sorry that there is violence between our kind. I don't understand why everyone's gotta be so mean to each other. If everyone got along... he stopped mid sentence because his emotions were starting to flare up a bit. We could happily live together. The wolves and coyotes I mean. he continued, his voice cracking slightly in the middle of his sentence.

No, I was born in a city called New Haven. It’s… west of here. New Haven... It sounded like it'd be nice there. But not all titles for places were really true. He decided not to push further because of the male's sigh. So you know more about these "cities" than I do. I came from a small chain of islands. It's a long swim from here, and they aren't like you, or me. They are stuck in feral form. They don't have the Luperci there. They don't have anything. They live wildly. No buildings, clothes. The place made me feel Claustrophobic though, and my sister and I left. She left me after we found land though...And then I found here. I found Souls as my first yearling achievement. he shared with the male, just trying to keep some form of conversation going. How about we get out of Inferni before we have that adventure? Because if they learn that I’m helping you out like this, they’ll have my head instead of yours. Snake spoke. Daisuke in return touched his shoulder. If they did that, then they have no heart. If they even threaten you, Snake....I'll handle them for you. I'd rather have my head on a pike than yours. As far as the situation goes now, I'm the one who deserves that punishment, not you. he spoke, seriously speaking, which meant that his voice and eyes were dark, and serious. He was serious, as serious as he could be. but once the moment was over, his hand removed itself from the boy's shoulder, and the smile returned to his lips. I guess that also means I'm in debt to you, since you're letting me go. If you ever need me, then let the wind carry my name, okay? If you call, I'll be more than glad to come and rescue you. he spoke, smiling softly at the boy. He meant every word. Snake was his new friend, and friends...They do anything for each other...Or atleast in Daisuke's world they did. That adventure.. It's gonna be great, you hear? Maybe we can look for treasure! Ohhhhh, that sounds like so much fun! way to jump from subject to subject Daisuke. You also never said if you'd keep it on... he spoke, his eyes narrowing on the male for a minute.


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