
If Firefly hadn't been staring back towards the city and not out towards the sea again she probably wouldn't have spied the once leader of the pack. Her ears pinned back in annoyance as she watched the figure slinking along. She was getting tired of having to explain herself and it just seemed every time she turned around she'd screwed something else up or pissed the younger girl off in some new manner. Svara should have learned by now that Firefly didn't need any reason for the things she did or the way she was. She was not a carefree bubbly individual that you wanted to befriend, she was downright dangerous when she wanted to be.

Grumbling to herself she removed her body from the perch upon the dock and began a steady walk back towards where the younger and lowest ranked member of the pack was slinking about. It didn't take her too awfully long to catch up with the other woman and survey the damage that the other had taken in her time away from the pack. "Take that damn collar off, you're beginning to look like an idiot instead of just acting like one." Firefly growled as she stepped into Svara's path.


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