
Firefly was quiet as she studied the the woman's pelt, her own skin twitching as she thought about the old wounds that marred Svara's flesh. She couldn't help the fact that her fur began to rise as she wondered why and how in the ell Svara had let herself get into a position once more where she was the victim. Except for the small emotion she showed at Firefly's approach from behind, when the other woman moved around her and acted as though she wasn't there Firefly couldn't help but snarl at her one time friend.

"I thought there was something more to you once, but it seems that you've proved me wrong." She said as she stayed where she was and watched the other woman leaving. The words she was graced with did little but make Firefly throw out a bark of laughter as she shook her head. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and last I knew you were pretty damn blind." She narrowed her eyes as finally she stood up and began to move towards Svara.

Her voice was commanding as she spoke once more. "Now take that damn thing off or I'll take it off for you." She wasn't in any mood to deal with Svara's foolish acts and it looked like Svara was about to parade right into another one. Two stubborn women were never a good thing.


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